Cancel Culture: Everyone is walking on Eggshells

We just want everyone to have a conversation before judging people too harshly. They might be coming from a different place, they might not be informed, you might not have the whole picture - things are usually more grey than black and white. We want people to be less of a moral police and more empathetic.


<aside> 💡 Get them drunk and get them talking


What's r/Am I the Asshole

<aside> 💡 **OG post examples

AITA for wanting to go to the funeral of a girl that I helped get addicted to drugs** I want to sincerely thank everyone who commented. Everyone’s comments were appreciated, including those that were less than pleasant. \n\nSince I received such great advice on my original post, I felt like I had an obligation to update. And I’m trying to follow through on all aspects of my life, even internet ones. \n\nThe funeral service was held this past Thursday. Before then, I brought all ...

AITA for telling my son he deserved his gf breaking up with him? So my son had a long-distance gf recently for about two years. She was great, a really nice girl and we all loved her welcomed her with open arms. She was flying here constantly to visit him, like a weekend a month and he didn’t lift a finger to go visit her. \n\nI tried talking to him about it several times and told him he should really start looking into flying over to her instead of expecting her to do all the travelling. He said no. And my wife probably...

AITA for telling my girlfriend to shut the fuck up after she insulted my sisters thighs? I’m 30 and my 12 year old sister is living with me right now because mom and pops are vulnerable so it made more sense for me to care for my sis for the time being. \n\nShe is a really great kid and tbh I feel in a lot of ways like she’s my own kid because my mom and dad don’t speak English so I kind of had to raise my sis in ways that they couldn’t. Hard to explain but I’m sure anyone with a secondary ...


Scrapping Reddit for AITA posts

hot_posts = reddit.subreddit('AmItheAsshole').hot(limit=5)
for post in hot_posts:
    print('TITLE: ' + post.title)
    print('BODY: ' +post.selftext)

import pandas as pd
posts = []
aita_subreddit = reddit.subreddit('AmItheAsshole')
for post in
    posts.append([post.title, post.selftext])
posts = pd.DataFrame(posts,columns=['title', 'body'])

Training the model with 2100 AITA posts