
  1. The design patterns will be of interest to a broad community concerned with perception, emotions, learning, immersion and presence (...and aesthetic experiences), and any who are developing educational, training and certification, or decision support applications with respect to improving natural knowledge.

  2. 🔥 How to design the layout of labels in the user's field of view, keep the clarity of virtual information and balance the ratio between virtual information and real scene information is a key problem in the field of view management.

  3. 🔥 Examples from the literature are provided to identify the challenges to each interaction component.

  4. ⭐️ 1) determine if people can reliably scale these judgments to their body dimensions or capabilities and 2) explore whether cues presented in the context of the action could change their judgments.

  5. ⭐️ In this paper, the state of art in AR from the content generation perspective is reviewed, and three key steps are introduced, namely data collection, content fusion, and content display. Augmented reality labelling system should avoid overlapping the point of interest in the real scene and keep labels the appropriate location in user’s field of view and convey augmented information accurately in the mean time.

  6. ⭐️ This poster presents an iterative design process of an Augmented Reality system for a collaborative task.

USER 2.1. Passive / active

  1. ⭐️ In this paper, we present a human-subject study evaluating and comparing four user interfaces for smart connected environments: gaze input, hand gestures, voice input, and a mobile app. We assessed participants’ user experience, usability, task load, completion time, and preferences. Our results show multiple trade-offs between these interfaces across these measures.
  2. it enables people to interact with AR objects with natural pen and touch input in high precision on the surface.
  3. 🔥🔥🔥 VR/AR user experience is more than usability, perception or customer adoption patterns, it deals with the emotional interaction with technology as well as physical and virtual environments. Extensive work exists on mobile code offloading towards a server or a cloud to minimise battery depletion. Another method is VM cloning, but despite techniques to overcome hardware and software challenges little is done in view of understanding and improving user experience.
  5. suggesting that humans use similarity to target as a reward function which shapes their policy for which parts of the scene to sample during search.
  6. The time consuming activity is about design and production of the graphics objects that amount to more than 80% of a project. Google Libraries for AR objects and AR Kit have facilitated this phase.
